Commodore’s Notes 2024

May 12, 20924

Happy Mothers day,
It’s time for the 2024 season to begin. I hope all had a great winter and are looking forward to the activities of Northport.
I’ve attached a lengthy file including the race schedules, racers information and social news.

It’s also time to renew your membership.
Club Dues remain the same,
$25 for renewal
$50 for new membership (this includes a club burgee).
Race dues are $125 as the cost of flags remains expensive.
Mail your dues to:
Glenn VanOtteren
1600 Beard Dr SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Happy Sailing, Mike Finazzo

NBYC Spring 2024 Racing & Social News

February 29, 2024

NBYC Sailboat Race Schedule 2024

August 3, 2023

The race committee met this evening to review this season. It is apparent that the season has flown by very quickly.

We would like to conduct another pursuit race, this time using time on distance (although it appears that last Saturday’s results were the same when calculated time on distance). Also weather permitting, conduct the Blue Water race with a variance which would include remaining within the Northport Bay and the last two legs being windward – leeward, somewhat reminiscent of the pretzel race. Of course the final race of the season will be the Finton Cup September 2nd.
The committee also discussed the first race of next season being named the Collins Cup in honor of Bill Collins.

RE: this Saturday’s race will be delayed until 2:30pm. The Fly in – pancake is this weekend. This delay allows time for those racers to complete their duties and prepare to race, in addition the forecast calls for very light winds until around 2:30 or so. Current forecast is for North winds, If that holds plan on a clockwise course. to Red Nun #2, leave to starboard to S Gull Island buoy, leave on starboard to finish with yellow buoy to starboard. Any changes prior to the race listen for3 horn blasts and stay tuned to 72.

Regards, Mike F

March 22, 2023

Summer is coming – I promise. I keep telling myself as I sit by the warmth of our wood stove writing this newsletter, as I look outside watching what I hope is the last of winter’s snowstorms. I truly love our Up North winters; I just love the sun’s rays and the summer breeze while sailing on the Bay a little more!

Spring is around the corner and with that many will begin to prep their boats for the season and others will return North from their winter retreat.

Save the date: June 24,2023

Club Social Season Kickoff. More details to follow.

The social committee is planning other events and again more information to follow.

The race committee has conducted two Zoom meetings (Mike Cann, Bill Allen, Glenn VanOtteren, Mike Finazzo) with valuable discussions about the upcoming season. Below is a summary of the meeting outcome.

  • Suttons race series kicks off June 20th.
    • 11 races are scheduled.
    • The final race is August 29th.
    • Start time has been moved up to 5PM to hopefully race before the winds die down.
  • Applebee series kicks off June 24th.
    • 11 races are scheduled.
    • The final race is September 2nd.
    • We hope to be able to text out the course and directions around 9AM.
  • Race Course
    • Developing a course sheeting system for all captains laying out the various courses.
  • The start finish line will continue to be adjusted so that there will no favorite mark to start thus avoiding very crowder starts. We will try to better fine tune the mark alignments.
  • The buoys at the start/finish line will have different colors to better identify the finishing direction.
  • Locating a buoy at southeast side of Gull Island that indicates an out of course bounds close to the shallows of the Island.
  • There will be at least one windward/leeward course for the Applebee series.
  • There will also be a staggered start based on PHRF for slowest to fastest. The time between each boat starting will be determined after a couple of races are held.
  • Handicapping will be revised reducing the adjusted times. The intent is to help keep all racers having the opportunity to score points. An additional Captains manual will be available shortly.
  • There is an app called Joinable. We will use this app to text the race details to all racers. If you’d like to be added to the list please let me know.

In other news. Glenn volunteered to relieve Mike Cann of most of his responsibilities as Treasurer and to compile the Applebee race results. Mike has performed these roles impeccably for several years and felt the need to pass those tasks. Mike, Thank you so very much for all the service, knowledge, and dedication to the club.

I look forward to a fun filled season. I also look forward to any suggestions that you may have to improve our club activities.

May you be healthy, safe and have fair winds.

Mike Finazzo, Commodore